IT - Telecom

INDOMANPOWER is in the business of deploying human intellectual capital to help your organization meet its information technology goals. INDOMANPOWER is in the business of deploying human intellectual capital to help your organization meet its information technology goals. We do so by treating each human capital challenge as unique and every candidate as an individual. Our expertise is derived from 10 years of delivering world class IT staffing services to market companies in Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Success is about finding the right fit across people, solutions, environment and objectives. With INDOMANPOWER, you can take a strategic approach to boosting performance through an optimal mix of internal staff, outside consulting resources and project outsourcing. And because we take the time to properly understand your human resource needs (and the needs of the candidates we place) and match them appropriately, everyone is more successful. Whether it’s short term or long term, mission critical or day-to-day objectives, INDOMANPOWER gives you the ability to acquire the knowledge, resources, skill sets and manpower to be nimble, efficient and strikingly effective in your mission.

Experience the difference our Right Fit philosophy makes in your business and your career. Whether you’re an Employer or a Job Seeker, our mission is to understand your specific needs and help you meet your goals.